Our clinic offers 2 types of implants for every budget: Implant 650, and Implant 900.
Implant 650
Implant 650 is a complex dental rehabilitation treatment, using safe and inexpensive implants with outstanding results in terms of stability and strength. It is recommended for replacing a lost tooth by trauma or as a result of dental disease, replacing a group of teeth or replacing all teeth of the dental arch.
Dental Implant Restoration • ADIN Implant / MIS Seven: 450 EURO (produced in Israel, titanium surface, 5th grade purity, acid and blasting treated) • Prosthetic titanium column : 100 EURO • Cermet crown: 100 EURO • Total 650 EURO(Price includes consultation, treatment plan, surgical insertion of an implant, screw protection, healing screw, prosthetic and post-metal crown)There are various treatment options using implants ADIN/MIS that will be discussed upon your first dental evaluation.
Implant 900
Premium category becomes accessible to all. It offers exceptional aesthetic results due to top technology at the lowest price, guaranteed! It now allows you to choose what suits you best plus it is designed to help your implantologist achieve excellent aesthetic results in dentistry rehabilitation.
Dental Implant Restoration
• Implant MegaGen AnyRidge 650 EURO (produced in South Korea, titanium surface, 5th grade purity, Super RBM treated) or • MIS Implant C1 450 EURO (produced in Israel, titanium surface, 5th grade purity) • Prosthetic titanium column : 150 EURO • Cermet crown: 100 EURO • Total 900 EURO(Price includes consultation, treatment plan, surgical insertion of an implant, screw protection, healing screw, prosthetic and post-metal crown)You are welcome to write us an e-mail to get more information on our prices. We are glad to be at your assistance.
Terms and conditions
These implants have a warranty of 10 years for physical integrity. Also, the manufacturer guarantees the product quality, manufacturing process and compliance packaging, sterilization process and surface treatment of titanium. Our surgeon will ensure the implant bone integration of a fixed or movable prosthetic.The average use of a dental implant varies between 12 to 20 years, with wide limits being directly influenced by the health of the body, vicious habits that influence health in general and clinical status of the mouth in particular, patient's interest in ensuring the proper mouth hygiene and performing required maintenance treatment for dental implants.Laboratory items are guaranteed against manufacturing defects for a period of 3 years.Changes of shape or color can be made within a period not exceeding 30 days from the time of manufacture and only if the prosthetic was not permanently cemented on prosthetic abutments.